Imagine that you’ve found a handheld of a famous person, alive or dead, real or fictional, and that the owner was a ListPro user. What would be on their lists – packing, shopping, to-do, or others? Send as many items from a single list (that is, one list per entry) as you can think of. Again, send your entries as replies to this post, and enter as many times as you like.
We’ve started you off with a few examples, below.
This is the third contest in our week-long 11 year anniversary celebration. We’ll give away one $121 Amazon gift certificates for the best and funniest entry, and runner-up prizes of a complete package of our software and swag to many others. Enter as many times as you like, by sending your entry as a reply to this post. Employees and friends of Ilium Software aren’t eligible to win the prizes, but are welcome (and encouraged) to participate anyway. Today’s contest closes at 9:00 a.m. eastern time tomorrow morning.
Update: We were having some problems earlier today with comments not working. We think we’ve got the issue fixed now, but if you have any trouble submitting a comment, please let us know. Thanks!