We’re pleased to announce that we just released eWallet® 8.6 for Android with several new features and it is now available in the Google Play and Amazon app stores. The new release is built to take advantage of Android 11, has improved biometric authentication prompting, and improved clearing of the clipboard across different device types. We added a new font for better password legibility in hidden fields, for those cases where you need to read the password. We also added a popular request: allowing the creation of no-password wallets for those cases where you want to organize information but not password protect it.
I should also mention that today is World Password Day — see our article on passwords, biometrics and backups.
eWallet 8.6 for Android runs on Android OS 5.0 to 11.x including both phones and tablets. This upgrade is free for all users who already own a license of eWallet version 7 or 8 for Android. If you purchased a copy from Google Play or Amazon using their app stores, then you’ll be able to use the Update feature in the respective store to get the new version. Get all the info about eWallet here on our site. And if you have any questions or suggestions, please do contact us!
eWallet is a registered trademark of Ilium Software, Inc.