I’m interrupting our “regular” blog to post about something I feel very strongly about. And while we have a rule here (as much as we have any rules, we’re not big on them) that blog topics need to be at least somewhat related to what we do, one of the perks of being an owner is that I can break the rules and no one gets to say much.
So I’m jumping on a soapbox to urge everyone to read about how the new copyright rules really threaten the future of Internet Radio. This site has a lot of info, as well as links to another site that makes it very easy to send emails or even real letters to your congresspeople.
Please check it out, and, if it’s something you believe in, sign the petition, send the letters, and add the banners to your own site. And of course, come back here and post that you did, so we can add you to our monthly giveaway, and to the extra giveaway that I’ll be doing among people who reply to this specific post and say they’ve sent letters or added banners to their sites. So even if you’re not that interested in helping out internet radio, you’ll have some extra chances to win our software and swag by doing so.
Thank you! And we now return you to our regular Ilium Software blog.